Medication Assisted Weight Loss Plans
Free consultations
& Tirzepatide Microdosing Available
At Olakino Center for Lifestyle Medicine, our approach to supporting your weight loss includes assessment, input and support from our highly trained team. Dr Sarah Canyon is an MD with a PhD, and is board-certified in two medical disciplines, Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. We have two registered dietitians. Amanda has over 21 years experience in as a practicing Registered Dietitian and Alyssa works both as a Registered Dietitian and emergency room RN. And, to help you keep it all together on track with your goals and for physical activity guidance, Ginger is both a certified Health Coach and Physical Therapist.
Our approach is team based with lots of support. If you have been trying to lose weight and you haven't been successful, remember nothing changes unless something changes. We are here to support and inspire that change!
Call OR Book Today
BYO Medications
* If you have the a weight loss medication already and would like to work with us, CLICK HERE for package details.
3 Month Plan
2 Appointments with a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician
2 Group appointments with a Registered Dietitian
2 Appointments with a Certified Health Coach/Physical Therapist
3 months of weekly Semaglutide injections
2 B12 injections
2 InBody Body Composition Analysis
6 Month Plan
3 Appointments with a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician
3 Appointments with a Registered Dietitian
3 Appointments with a Certified Health Coach/Physical Therapist
6 months of weekly Semaglutide injections
3 B12 Injections
3 InBody Body Composition Analysis
2.5mg - 7.5mg/wk*
3 Month Plan
2 Appointments with a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician
2 Group appointments with a Registered Dietitian
2 Appointments with a Certified Health Coach/Physical Therapist
3 months of weekly Tirzepatide injections
2 B12 injections
2 InBody Body Composition Analysis
1mg - 2mg/wk*^
2 Appointments with a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician
2 Appointments with a Registered Dietitian
2 Appointments with a Certified Health Coach/Physical Therapist
3 months of twice weekly Tirzepatide injections
2 B12 Injections
2 InBody Body Composition Analysis
* Prices are based on starting with the lowest dose and increasing monthly. Clients may incur an increased charge if you have already started the medication elsewhere and require a higher starting dose from us.
^ Clients requiring Tirzepatide doses >10mg weekly will incur added cost to their package due to increased cost of this medication; costs will be adjusted at the time of dose adjustment.
BYO Medications
Have the medications but want more support?
Not interested in Medications
Don't want to use medication but interested in working with our team?
3 Month Plan
BYO Medications or No medications
2 Appointments with a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician
2 appointments with a Registered Dietitian
2 Appointments with a Certified Health Coach/Physical Therapist
2 B12 injections
2 InBody Body Composition Analysis